June Work day Report

Robert & Jack Dekle, Dave Shultz, Mike Wisdom, Jimmy Harrell, Billy Allen, Tanner Schultz, Mark Sullivan, Tom Poth, Jennifer Blackwell, Dick Mueller, Jim Weadick, Dave & Harriett Morris, Seth & Kate Van Huss, Wayne Stone, Jay Harrell, and member-candidate Michael Conners made for an attendance record-breaking (at least, in our tenure as B&G co-chairs) work day, Saturday.

The lawn areas were all mowed and all of the grounds were trimmed by numerous people; limbs, pine cones and other debris was picked up; the beach was raked, grass was pulled and shoveled up; the former swim dock lines were retrieved for cleanup and eventual replacement; the committee boat was given a maintenance run; the fence at the end of Yacht Club Rd. was straightened as much as possible; ‘E’ dock was patched creatively and cost effectively; the concrete areas below the clubhouse were pressure washed; the clubhouse was cleaned; and an enjoyable lunch was provided for the attendees.

It was an incredible beehive of activity all around the club. Barbara and I cannot thank folks enough for their energy and enthusiasm Saturday. The club continues to look better, and it’s the teamwork of our workday crew that makes the difference.

We will do it again, but owing to the July 4th weekend, the next work day will be one week later than usual: July 10th.  

Barbara and TimBuilding & Grounds co-chairs

Race Report for March 27

Based on a decent forecast, eight people and five boats came out to race today: Seth, Katie, and Thomas Van Huss sail their O’Day 222, Fred Falchock on his Hunter, Tim Vacula sailing with Jennifer Medgul on his S2, Jimmy Harrell sailing his “new” Catalina 22, and Jay Harrell sailing his Beneteau 210.

We held our skippers meeting at noon and decided to run the great triangle course, starting and finishing at the club. This is a three mile long course, and the start/finish line in the club cove can be rather difficult in a SW wind like today. But the advantage is that we don’t have to deal with settings and retrieving buoys. It’s about as simple, low pressure and ad hoc as you can get.

We managed to start right on time at 1pm.  As expected the wind was variable and the weather was pretty warm. Everyone managed to get across the start line in a timely fashion, but then the wind more or less completely died for about ten minutes. When the wind came back, it stayed filled in for the rest of the day but it had a lot of ups and downs and shifts.  We ran two races – the first took about an hour and the second took about 40 minutes. Finishes were close in both races, with multiple lead changes around the course. 

Order of finishes:

race 1: Jay, Tim, Jimmy, Seth, and Fred
race 2: Tim, Jay, Fred, Jimmy, and Seth.

Last week I gave you a single-boat replay, but this week we had RaceQs on four boats, so you can watch the whole race play out among the fleet. Jay’s boat is called “Electra” and Jimmy’s boat is called “Unknown”. Fred didn’t have a recorder on his boat today.

Replay link:https://raceqs.com/tv-beta/tv.htm#userId=1145482&updatedAt=2021-03-27T20:12:26Z&dt=2021-03-27T12:49:59-04:00..2021-03-27T14:58:23-04:00&boat=Electra

The replay allows you to control the point of view and view various data about each boat at each point in the race. Play around with it – it’s kinda fun!

Work Day Report, May 5

We had a wonderful work day on Saturday and a lot got done. New ceiling fans were installed in the covered area where the grill is located. Two benches got painted. The new swing is now up, swinging and tested by yours truly. Grass cut and raking done. A couple more dock boards replaced. Bathrooms cleaned and all floors swept and mopped. And I am sure there were other things done that I did not see. Unfortunately the wind did not show up until Sunday so we had no racing but you can always have it all. Thanks to all that showed up for the work day!


April 21 Racing and Shish Kebobs

We had a great day at our club this past Saturday. The wind was blowing and four boats went to Hauk’s reef. What a beautiful day to be on the water. It was the first time our grandson had been in a race and he loved it. Cary did a wonderful job decorating the club with an April Showers, May Flowers theme. Thanks to her for time and effort spent; she has such talent! Everyone gathered in the evening to assemble some outstanding Shish Kebobs and the grill looked phenomenal when loaded up. If you could not make this year’s Shish Kebob, you have to be sure and make next year’s! Continue reading April 21 Racing and Shish Kebobs

Lake Sinclair, Georgia