How to find the Cache on Goat Island

{{{ {{Goat Island Hidden Cache}} }}} The Cache has been hidden on Goat Island. The coordinates are N33 degrees 12.971 minutes, W 83 degrees 15.485 minutes. For all of you who are really adept at using your GPS, this is all you need. For all of us who need some help, look at the clues below. I went out today, April 6 2004, and hid the cache. It is a semi permanent Glad container about the size that will hold two sandwiches. It is hidden under some leaves under a log. Inside the Glad container is several small trinkets and an index card for you to record your finding the cache. You are welcome to take one of the “treasures” and are requested to leave one of your trinkets. Record on the card what you took and what you left. Here’s what you do: Using your GPS head out in your sailboat and plot a course for Goat Island (up the Oconee channel from Rooty Creek). Make landfall on the island and using the coordinates above, try to locate the cache. If you must, use the clues. Open the container, record your name and date and what you take and leave. When you finish, hide the container in the same place for the next seeker. You get 20 credit points for finding the cache, plus the points for a cruise to Goat Island. You also get 5 points for finding a goat. I have added 5 additional points for seeing a goose egg. There are numerous Canada Geese nesting on the island. They are very protective of the nest and it may not be safe to get too close. We did however find a nest that was unattended and there was an egg. {{{Clues}}} The cache is hidden near the highest point on the island. Look NNE from a position at the summit and find twin trees (two trunks coming from the same base). There is or was a rock about 8 inches across near the base of the tree. Look NNE of the double tree about three feet and find one larger fallen tree and two smaller tree sections next to it. Move the middle tree section and the cache is a few inches under the leaves. Jimmy Harrell {{{Pictures}}}