Fall Membership Meeting and Board Elections

The date was announced way back at the first of the year, but here’s your gentle reminder: The OSYC Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2007 at 6pm at the clubhouse. Dinner will provided by the club, and an email will be going out shortly with dinner logistics and asking for RSVPs. As always, this is the primary annual business meeting of the club and we will be electing new officers for 2008. The Nominating Committee has assembled the following recommended slate of candidates for 2008. Each of them has agreed to serve if elected. -*Commodore: Jimmy Harrell -*Vice-Commodore: Ken Griffin -*Secretary/Treasurer: Jay Harrell -*Trustees -**Howard Gregory -**Bill Lewis -**George Thorpe -**Ronnie Young And of course, Bill Shaw will round out the Board as Immediate Past Commodore. Additional or alternative nominations may be submitted to the club secretary and any nominations received before the meeting will be presented by the secretary along with the Committee slate above. Also in keeping with Roberts Rules, nominations can be made from the floor as well. As always, a quorum will be required to transact club business and if you are unable to attend in person, please provide a written proxy for you vote to another member that you trust to represent your interests at the meeting.