Report: Feb 27 and 28 at OSYC

{{Racing Saturday}}: It was a little chilly. Never the less, we had 8 boats racing. Wind was about 10 mph and the sun was out at the beginning of the first race and with the sun it was not too cold. By the end of the second race, the race committee, me, was getting cold. Results have been posted on the Web site on the [Race Results Page->]. {{Sunday}}: Weather was better but only one boat showed up so the race was canceled. New Member Candidates: Barry and Suzanna Kirkland. Barry and Suzanna met with the membership committee on Saturday morning. They are from Sylvania Georgia. Their boat is a Hunter 23 and is currently berthed at Little River Park. Their application is in the process and they have been invited to attend any and all club functions while we are processing their application. If you see them at the club, introduce yourself and make them welcome. Jimmy Harrell