Race Results 2-20-11 or The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The wind refused to co-operate on Saturday so we did not race. Towards evening the wind came up and some of us went out to play. Of course, anytime more than one sailboat is on the same stretch of water, they are racing. The winners and losers of these impromptu competitions are ensconced firmly and arbitrarily in the minds of the individual contestants. However, it did get back to me that Jimmy was overheard muttering something about getting a bigger fore-sail (smirk)! The ‘Feast of the Inebriated’ was a semi-sensational success. I heard Ken got some healthy excercise…and that’s all I have to say about that! Sunday found me crawling blearily into the cockpit of the Thera-P to be smacked in the face with a nice precocious little breeze with a hint of attitude. We managed to get in two Pursuit Races in semi-decent winds, the last of which contained a hard fought angst ridden down-wind duel for last place between the Wilsons and the Kennifers. Ya shoulda been there! On a personal note, it was good to see Carl (aka; ‘if you ain’t sailing on the edge, yer usin’ to much boat!) and Laurie Saylor out this weekend and I’ll do what I can to schedule some racing to fit in with their hectic schedule. If you didn’t come out…well you just don’t know what you’re missing…and it’s your own damn fault! You are gonna have to come out just to keep abreast of all the inside jokes and innuendos! Gimp Results of Pursuit Race Sunday, Feb. 2011 RACE 1 -Carl & Laurie Saylor / SR 21————– 1 -Greg Phillips / Catalina 25 WK TR——— 2 -Kennifer Griffin / Impulse 21 ————– 3 -Ron Bloodworth / Sunfish —————– 4 -D & Lauren Wilson, et al/ MacG 26D—— 5 RACE 2 -Greg Phillips / Catalina 25 WK TR——— 1 -Carl & Laurie Saylor / SR 21————– 2 -Kennifer Griffin / Impulse 21 ————– 3 -D & Lauren Wilson, et al/ MacG 26D——4 -Ron Bloodworth / Sunfish ————— DNS