Category Archives: 0. Articles

Georgia Power reschedules Plant Branch stack removal for October 15

Press release from Georgia Power:

ATLANTA – Oct. 13, 2016 – Georgia Power announced today that the 1,000 foot-tall stack at its retired Plant Branch will be removed by controlled demolition on Oct. 15, 2016. The company is working to conduct the demolition shortly after daybreak, but has secured a window of time between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., based on weather and safety conditions. The stack demolition was postponed from this past weekend, due to Hurricane Matthew.

Removing the stack is the next step in the dismantlement of the retired power plant, which served electric customers reliably from 1965 through 2015.

Georgia Power is working with a professional demolition contractor to safely remove the stack. The company is also coordinating efforts as needed with multiple agencies including the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT); Baldwin and Putnam County sheriff’s offices and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Immediately prior to the demolition, local law enforcement and DNR will establish an Exclusion Zone (see attached Exclusion Zone map) to ensure a safe buffer around the site. These agencies, in cooperation with the DOT, will also temporarily stop vehicle traffic on U.S. Highway 441 while the demolition occurs. All boat traffic will be prohibited from entering the Exclusion Zone on Lake Sinclair at that time.

Safety is Georgia Power’s top priority during removal of the stack and the company reminds residents to be aware of the demolition and to not stop on public roads or attempt to access Georgia Power property to view the demolition. The company is taking all necessary steps to ensure safety while minimizing inconvenience for neighbors, including employing rigorous dust-suppression measures to limit the spread of dirt and concrete dust. The company will assess neighbors’ outside docks, walkways and furniture on request, to determine if surface dust removal is warranted. Residents may contact Regina Linch at (706) 484-7206 with any questions regarding dust.

2015 Fall Meeting and Elections, November 21

The OSYC Fall Membership Meeting will be held at the clubhouse on the evening of November 21, 2015.  The agenda will include committee reports for 2015 and election of officers for 2016.  Please plan to attend, and if you are unable to attend in person please provide a proxy to the secretary, any board member, or to any member who will be there.

Report of the 2015 Nominating Committee Continue reading 2015 Fall Meeting and Elections, November 21

Lake Sinclair Drawdown begins October 18

Dear OSYC Members,
According to Georgia Power, the drawdown of Sinclair will begin about October 18 and last until about November 27.  They will not commit to exactly how the drawdown will affect the lake level except to say it will be substantially lower than normal.

Based on past drawdowns, the exact date of the start of the drawdown can begin a few days earlier and end a few days later that announced.  Also, the on top of the general lowering of the lake level there will be daily fluctuations of more than two feet.  Because of the unpredictability of the fluctuation and the potential damage to boats and docks due to tight or loose dock lines, the board is requiring that all boats be removed from their slips during the drawdown.

Slip holders are requested to have their boats out of the slips at least a few days before October 18.  Some are planning to anchor their boats in deeper water, some are trailering their boat off site, and most are planning to park on the club grounds on trailers.  Because of the large number of boats on trailers, it will be necessary for some boats to be blocked in by others.  This is an inconvenience we just have to live with. I’d also like to urge anyone who can move their trailer offsite until December, with or without its vessel, to do so.  Any relief we can get from crowding the trailers together at OSYC will be greatly appreciated.

When parking your boat please do not block the hoist or the ramp as some are planning to do bottom work during the drawdown, and we may be doing repair work on the ramp.

Cautions and suggestions:

1.        Be aware of low tree limbs when parking your boat.

2.        If you anchor out, be sure you have adequate anchors, depth, and proper lighting.  Bob Horan is one of our most experienced cruisers, so he is a good resource.

3.       It is OK to use the floating docks during the drawdown but not for overnight unless you are staying on the boat.

Commodore Bill Morris

Member Social- Smoked Pork Roast Aug 29

Our OSYC calendar calls for a smoked pork roast event come Saturday the 29th. If you have ever had Ken’s smoked pork, you know the delight for the tongue. Sides and soft drinks provided. Kosher hot dogs easily provided to those upon request. Please put yourself and loved ones in the count for vittles by 3 pm this Friday. We will begin consumption of appetizers brought by any fellow members around 5 pm with dinner shortly after 6 pm. Member provided desserts can be eaten before or after, given your an adult. Come enjoy our club with good food, fun and fellowship!

Maybe the wind will blow and a sail be raised come this weekend,


DATE: 08/29/2015 ( Sat 5:00PM EDT )


Fish Fry, June 27

Those that watch the club schedule know the Hartley Fish Fry is scheduled for this weekend. And yes it really is going to happen this coming Saturday! Again apologies for the false alert earlier this month. Come join us for fried fish, french fries, hush puppies, cheese grits, soft drinks and a taste of what everyone brings to the event in the appetizer, side dish and dessert category. Hartley’s need to know by 11:00 am Friday what the count will be so they know how many fish to pack on their way to Milledgeville. You know if they are close to the water like they will be Friday afternoon, there will be a few hooks thrown in the water. If you can’t answer by the cut off time, take a chance that their day of fishing was prosperous and show on up! Gather around 5 and eat around 6. Anyone that could provide a shop fan for our chefs would be greatly appreciated with many cheers!

DATE: 06/27/2015 ( Sat 5:00PM EDT )


Member Social, April 25

Spring Race #2 dinner

This Saturday April the 25th is our Spring race #2 and we will be having a spaghetti dinner after the race. We will be eating between 6 and 6:30. Anyone that wants to bring an appetizer or dessert is welcome to do so.  Please RSVP using the SignUpGenius link that was sent out via email. Hope to see you there.


DATE: 4/25/2015

Member Social, March 21

A spaghetti dinner is on the schedule for Saturday March 21st after Frostbite race #5. The Club will provide the spaghetti, sauce, and bread. Please bring anything you would like in the way of salad, appetizer or desserts. Hope you all can make it and we look forward to seeing you there.

Happy sailing,


2015 Frostbite series results update

Please see attached results updated (thanks Bill) from this weekend.
It was a beautiful day, although the light winds ended up dying down to about nothing the second half of the race.  We only did the one race.  A reminder is that the next race is two Saturdays from now, March 21.  I hope the participation we had on Feb 7 re-appears.  The 21st was supposed to be the last race of the frostbite series, but depending on the weather and how many races we can get in that day, we may consider adding one (we did not race the first race due to weather on Jan 24) after the WORK DAY the following Saturday (28th).

Best regards,
Joe Hosch



Racing and Burn-It social, Feb 7

Our next event is a Burn It. OSYC will provide a hot grill, and two sides.

Please bring your choice of protein to throw on the grill plus a side dish or dessert to share.

We are trying out “SignUpGenius” to make sign up, tracking and reminders easy for everyone.  You should have received a link via email so that you can RSVP up for your family (adults and children).  Please give it a try, because if it works out it’s going to make life much easier for our event organizers.