First Annual OSYC Raft Up and Commodore’s Cookout

Here’s the way it is supposed to work: Come to the club on Saturday and sail or hang out or whatever. ———————————————————————————————————————- Raft UP: about 6 PM Head down the lake toward Airport Island. Look for boats tucked into a cove on the right before you pass the island. Enter the cove and drop anchor and/or tie up to the shore and put out fenders. Subsequent boats will tie up to the anchored boats and put out anchors. Some of the late arriving boats may not need to anchor. Don flotation and jump overboard and enjoy a swim and fellowship with like minded. Or, just stay on your boat and watch the fools in the water. Someone could bring a beach ball for a game or keep away or dodge ball. ———————————————————————————————————————- Cookout: 8 PM Menu: Ronnie Hartley’s Modified Low Country Boil There will be no charge for the meal but we need a head count in order to buy the right amount of food. If you think you might attend, send an email to or call 706 484 1405 on or before Wednesday July 12. If no one answers, leave your name and the number of people attending. The club will provide soft drinks. If these will not meet your beverage needs the bring your own. Ronnie Hartley will bring the club barge to the rendezvous and plans to have the food ready by 8 PM. ———————————————————————————————————————- After the meal, each boat decides what to do: night time sail, return to OSYC docks, or anchor out for the night. Don’t forget to send an email ( if you think you might be able to attend.