Report on the first annual Commodore’s Cookout and Raft Up

Saturday started out relatively cool early in the morning. As the day progressed, the temperature rose along with the humidity. A chance of thunder storms was forecasted. Commodore Bill and crew went out early and scouted for a beach for the cookout. The first choice was taken by another group. A secondary site was chosen. Ronnie Hartley bought the ingredients and rounded up two cookers, the type some use to fry turkeys, one of which is not property of OSYC. Contingency plans were made just in case. Wouldn’t you know it, a thunder storm came through about time to leave for the selected sight. A check of the weather radar showed a small cell moving through the area and it looked like it would be over in maybe an hour. A decision was made; we would wait until about 6 o’clock and if the storm was over we would head out. Otherwise, we would prepare the meal on the point. As it turned out, the storm was over shortly after 6 and with it came cooler temperatures. Twenty one members and guests headed for the rendezvous. Directions were to head up Island Creek and turn left between the two sets of hazard markers near the mouth and on to a nice shady beach. Since the water was deep very near the beach, most boats just beached with an anchor of the stern and a line tied ashore. I think the Muellers were the only boat to anchor and tie up to another boat. Most of us went swimming and a few played some type of ball game called Jack Pot. Two preteen boys, Dakota and Jacob, tried to explain it to me so I could play but it was more than I could deal with after consuming a cup of Greg Phillips’ punch. The punch was a big hit. Ronnie Hartley and his crew set about preparing the low country boil and a fine job they did. The two cookers were set upon the bow of the club barge which had previously been run hard up on the beach. They had a table set up on shore and before long they had dumped the contents onto the table and Calvin had said grace. There was plenty of potatoes, sausage, onions, shrimp, and corn for everyone to chow down. And to top it off we have to thank Grayson for the excellent cheese cake dessert. Mother Nature waited patiently until the party was over before conjuring up another lightening display. Turned out to be a perfect outing. Wish more of you could have come. Photos of the event were provided by David Schnider and Graywon Smith. Click on this link to see photos: [>]