Kids Day at OSYC

With temperatures near 90 lately, it’s easy to believe – Summer is Here! And summer means that it’s time for Kids Day at OSYC. If you’ve seen the schedule already, you need to look again now, because we swapped the dates around. OSYC Kids Day is now scheduled for June 19. Got it? Put it on your calendar! Now that the date is settled, it’s time for some planning. This is our third annual Kids Day, and they are always a blast. The core activity is a big bunch of kids swimming together at the club, with some row boats, kayaks, sailboats, towables, and other kid-friendly goings on thrown in for good measure. We will grill hotdogs starting at about 4pm to feed the hungry hordes, and then back in the water as late as everyone wants to stay – I think that one year my kids swam until nearly dark. The club provides the dogs and we need volunteers to bring snacks, chips, drinks, and whatever else you think kids might like to eat, munch or graze, plus volunteers to bring or organize games and activities. So if you have (or or planning to have) a kid or grandkid, of if you simply enjoy acting like a kid, plan to be there for some good clean G-rated fun. RSVP to if you plan to come or if you can help with logistics (food, games, whatever). The more kids that come, the more fun for all!